oklahoma city sexy couples photos

What to Expect During a Couples Boudoir Session | Oklahoma City Boudoir Photographer

Envisioning the day of a couples boudoir session can be scary for some. Especially for first-timers, there are a lot of unknowns that can lead to pre-shoot jitters. I’m here to assure you that this is totally normal, and am going to walk you through a typical couples session to help. There are, of course, elements that you and your better half will bring to the table, making the experience unique and special, but here is a list of moments to expect along the way.

Oklahoma City couples boudoir interracial couple black man and white woman laughing under covers in black and white photo

Before the session

 I really mean it when I say that you can reach out via email or social media and ask me any questions about the experience. I’ve done this many times; I know what works. If there is anything you are unsure of, the answer is probably in the email of details I send out regarding your session. If for some reason it’s not, I’m happy to clarify. It’s okay to have a bunch of questions-I’ll have a bunch of answers. I’d rather you flood my inbox requesting info than showing up the day-of feeling like you wish you knew more ahead of time. I’m here to communicate; my inbox is always open. 

Oklahoma City couples boudoir white brown haired man and white blonde woman laughing together on couch. Blonde woman is wearing a red bodysuit and brown haired main is wearing navy blue shorts.

Starting Off

Call it expertise, call it magic, call it whatever you like; I have my toolbox of tricks to help you and your partner feel comfortable. That starts with you both wearing clothing that you feel good about wearing. Certain garments work better on camera, so it’s best that we keep an open dialogue so we’re on the same page. I want you both to feel good about your photos, so if an outfit doesn’t feel right, we’ll make any changes you or your partner may need. 

            Next, we’ll break the ice, but we’ll break the ice…gently, if that makes any sense. I usually start my couples sessions with casual conversation. “Tell me a funny story about your partner” “Hum a song in your partner’s ear and have them guess what it is”-we’ll keep it easygoing and fun. I might even have you two compete in a few rounds of thumb war (You’d be surprised how freakin’ adorable a thumb war photo can be).

Oklahoma City couples boudoir photographer gay couple - two white males with beards - playing thumb wars on black leather sofa
Oklahoma City couples boudoir photographer gay couple - two white males with beards - playing thumb wars on black leather sofa
Oklahoma City couples boudoir photographer gay couple - two white males with beards - playing thumb wars on black leather sofa
Oklahoma City couples boudoir photographer gay couple - two white males with beards - playing thumb wars on black leather sofa

You also get to pick the tunes, so just let me know what kind of music you like, and we’ll let that play in the background. If you’re vibing with a certain song, we can even have a little dance party. Some of the best photos come from you and your partner just goofing off. Don’t worry, the sexy-time photos are just around the corner. 

Halfway Point

             After the ice is broken, we’ll go step-by-step through different poses and prompts to photograph you and your partner together. The poses and prompts are based on the comfort level you and your partner shared with me during our pre-session video consultation. If that means you start to unbutton shirts or pants a little bit, great! If that means all clothes stay on, that’s great too!

Oklahoma City couples boudoir photography LGBTQ lesbian couple in an embrace smiling at each other as they lean into each other for a kiss

My goal is never to push you and your partner beyond a place that leaves either one of you uncomfortable or unwilling to move forward with a couples boudoir session. All I ask is you keep an open mind, and stay engaged with your partner. Your time with me is a time for you and your partner to connect- I’m just there to capture that connection.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photographer woman with short brown hair kneeling on bed pulling in male sitting on bed for a kiss using tie wrapped around neck. Both partners smiling at each other.

 I have a few rules for couples boudoir, and but one of my biggest is this: No kissing unless I say so. I make this rule because I’m evil and cruel….just kidding. Jokes aside, I want you and your partner to have a wide range of options for photos to choose from. Some amazing photos happen in the moments just before and just after a kiss. I promise you, if you follow my kissing rules, you will have plenty of choices. Does that mean you’ll never get to kiss your partner, or that kisses are limited? Nope! You’ll get so many smooches, and snuggles, and butt grabs and all the other goodness you and your partner have agreed upon. Just not all at once!

Oklahoma City couples boudoir photography lesbian couple almost kissing on brown leather sofa
Oklahoma City couples boudoir photography lesbian couple almost kissing on brown leather sofa

When we’ve reached the more intimate portion of the couples session, you may start to forget that I’m in the room, and that’s ok- that won’t hurt my feelings. You may be wondering, how in the world could you ever forget about me?!?! It may seem impossible, but it happens almost every time. The main reason is that I shoot with a mirrorless camera on silent mode. That means you will never hear the shutter clicking, so you’ll never know when I’ve started or stopped taking photos unless I’ve told you.  I also advise couples never to look directly at the camera unless I specifically ask (which is pretty rare for a couples session). At this point, I want you focused on your partner. I may chime in with where to move your hand or to turn your head a certain way, but it’s really about you maintaining the connection that you two have worked to build with each other. I’m there to capture the magic, so by all means, let your mind (and hands) wander with your partner, I’ll meet you at the end. 


End of session       

            I’m not going to lie, you will probably be exhausted after the shoot. Even though it’s a lot of lying around and snuggling, couples boudoir has a way of prepping you for a really good nap.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography LGBTQ queer interracial couple lying next to each other in bed in an embrace both partners smiling black and white portrait

Be prepared to need to take some time to rest after your session. To some, it might not feel like work, but a lot of energy goes into the process. Allow you and your partner some time to recharge. Approximately two weeks after your couples boudoir session, we will have your reveal and purchasing appoint where we will go over your photos and you and your partner can pick out the ones you love. My preferences may be different than yours, so again, we will strive for an open dialogue to help you and your partner select the photos that you feel great about. 

             There you have it. A kind of “couples boudoir photo session skeleton”. Keep in mind, every couples session is different, so if you feel like straying from the norm, go for it! I provide my clients with general structure so that we have the option to stray from it as and when needed. The goal is to make the experience special for you and your partner, so know that I have a plan, but that plan is not set in stone.  Keep an open mind, and the rest will fall into place. 

Oklahoma City Couples Boudoir | When Souls Collide

I loved hanging out with Nikki and Emily and getting to hear about their relationship during their couples boudoir session in October. These two booked a session to celebrate 9 years together and 4 years married, and the joy and peace they had being in each other’s presence was an absolute honor and pleasure to be surrounded by as I hung out with them that morning through the afternoon.

To have a more intimate feel, they borrowed a relative’s home for their boudoir session, and after Nikki whipped me up a delicious sweet potato and bacon hash brown casserole (um, I’d like to have this happen more often, yes please!) we got to shooting. Check out the portraits below from this sweet and delectable (or should I say, edible) couples boudoir session!

Oklahoma City Couples Boudoir Photography. Same-sex white females embracing for a kiss

What 3 things were you most nervous about going into your session?

1. Being naked in front of a stranger

2. I thought I'd hate myself in the pictures

3. Maybe that’s all

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography Black and White. White lesbian kissing her partner on the neck from behind

How did the reality of your session compare to your expectations going into it?

Reality was MUCH more comfortable than what we expected.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography Black and White. Lesbian couple intertwined on bed with one kissing the other's chest

What was your favorite part of the experience?

Favorite part has got to be the image reveal, but DURING the shoot, my favorite part was Ore’s prompts. The "what do you like, not love" question is gonna stick with me for sure.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography Black and White. Same-sex couple in their bras, smoking at the table.

How do you feel now that you've completed the session?

Amazing. Literally telling every couple and woman I know to book this shit immediately.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography. Lesbian couple, in their bras, smoking at the table.

Is there anything at all you wish we would have done differently or think we could do to further enhance the experience in the future?

I think our only regret is not booking more time as there were scenes we didn't have time to get to!

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography. Lesbian couple in bathtub with rose petals

Would you recommend Intimate Lens Studio to others?

Absolutely, already have.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography. Same-sex couple kissing naked in a bathtub with rose petals

Would you do a boudoir session again?

Most def, I'll have my people call your people.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography Black and White. Lesbian couple taking a bubble bath, kissing forehead.

In 500 words or less, based on your experience, what would you tell someone who was thinking about booking a boudoir session with Intimate Lens Studio?

Absolutely a couples sesh is an amazing experience, even for someone who thinks they'd never be comfortable like that. The experience of the shoot, combined with the photos we get to keep is worth every penny.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography. Lesbian couple, in bathtub with rose petals, about to kiss

What was your absolute most favorite photo from your boudoir session, and what makes it special?

Black and white tub make out....I love our connection in the photo, but the composition & lighting make it.

Oklahoma City couples boudoir lesbian couple in black and white photo kissing
Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography. Lesbian couple kissing in bubblebath

Anything I haven't asked that you would like to add?

No questions, but we'd like to add that you're amazing and so talented it's scary.

Oklahoma City Boudoir Photography Black and White. Same-sex lesbian couple in proud brief about to kiss