Have you ever been around two people and just knew that they were meant to be?
Not because they both look good based on society’s beauty standards, or because the couple comes from the same background and share similar interests, but because you can almost visibly see their profound and abiding connection and commitment to one another.
You see the way their thoughts flow together and the way they seem to see into each other’s souls and know their partner’s heart. You see the way they laugh together, tease each other, fight (acknowledging that no relationship is perfect 24/7) and make up, and live each day with the conscious choice and commitment to “do life together.”
I enjoy being around these couples. I love seeing their connection, seeing their joy, and I want to give these couples a tangible reminder of what they mean to each other.
It’s easy for couples who have been together for a while to get stuck into a routine, focusing on the day-to-day activities that need to get done… jobs to go to, bills to pay, chores to complete, kids to pick up, clothes to clean, dishes to wash, etc., and sometimes couples forget that their life together is more than just completing things to check off items on an imaginary list.
It’s about living out life with your favorite human…and stealing the covers.
And so I want to give couples photographs that remind them of the truth of their relationships that they may sometimes forget. That their partner loves them, cares for them and has chosen them.
I photograph couples either at my in-home studio or at the couples’ home with the goal of capturing who THEY are as a couple. No two couples have the same relationship, so in my pre-session questionnaire and pre-session video or in-person consultation I ask couples specific questions about their relationship with the goal of photographing each couple and capturing what it means to them to be in their relationship; how they fit, how they interact, and how they connect with each other. I love hearing couples say that they feel like I captured “THEM.”
Some of my favorite images to photograph involve one partner looking away, while the other partner is staring at them without the partner who is looking away knowing they are being admired. You can see in the eyes of the partner staring intently at their lover that they know the prize they have “won”, they have a look in their eyes that says my partner chose me, and I’m so FUCKING THRILLED that I get to spend forever with them.
When I have the opportunity to capture that emotion and then present that photograph to the partner who didn’t see it because they were looking away, and that partner then gets to see that connection and love shining in their lover’s eyes, that gives me the BEST FEELING EVER. It’s like a big warm hug (if you like big warm hugs, if not think of it as a really great high five!).
These portraits allow couples to see their love shining back at them through photographs of them together, and they can have them as a reminder either in high quality albums or as wall art displayed in their home.
The best part? You don’t have to have a special event to wait and schedule a couples boudoir session. By scheduling a couples boudoir session, I’ll capture your love, connection and intimacy, giving you a tangible reminder that each of you is loved by the other.